Verified Seedbox Reviews, Find The Best Seedbox For You.
If you’re looking for impartial seedbox reviews; to allow you to find the service that’s best seedbox provider for you. Then you’ve come to the right place. On this site you’ll find real user tested reviews backed up by customer reviews. Whether you’re just looking for the cheapest, fastest or just an all round best seedbox, we’ll point you in the right direction.
In case you didn’t know a seedbox is a service that allows you to download and upload torrents through a secure private server, some might know them as a torrent host or a VPS seedbox. You might want to use one if you are an avid file sharer and want to seed torrents or if your ISP restricts bit torrent traffic.
Seedbox benefits
- Download torrents without restrictons
- Boost up your upload ratios by seeding 24/7 on a super fast line.
- Privacy and anonymity and protect you from takedown requests.
Top 5 best seedbox by user reviews
Dedi Seedbox Review – Our #1 Ranked Seedbox. Full Stat Screenshot Seedbox Review Seedbox Review
Pulsed Media Seedbox Review
The Seedbox Company Review
Save yourself time and money, I’ve been using torrent hosts for the best part of 8 years now. I’ve always used them to stream movies to myself with plex, maintain ratio on private torrent sites and maintain privacy. Over the years I’ve come across a lot of dud seedboxes, that make big promises but are barely better than getting a good home internet connecting and seeding torrents yourself.
The small list of seedboxes on this site have been tested, vetted and pushed to the limit to ensure they are the best seedbox service for the money.
My Review Process to Identify The Best Seedbox
I want to make the reviews on this site completely impartial and free from bias. All reviews are done independantly, I take out a 1 month trial with each provider, which is fully paid for with my own money, no free trial, no complementary account. They are not aware that the box is intended for review, so it’s exactly the same service and support as a typical customer box.
Unlike other review sites, I don’t just write up the list of features and specs of the provider and then push the provider that pays the biggest commission. I actually use seedboxes daily for up to a month and report my findings. This is why you’ll see actual screenshots of use – unlike other sites.
For the sake of comparisons I will take out a service in the $10 range, $10 is the typical price most people pay. The seedbox is then filled up daily or every 2 days with fresh torrents from the homepage of various tracker until the storage is full. I monitor the UL and DL regularly and save the stats.
I check for plugin installation, in particular I check for plex, openVPN, sonarr, radarr etc.
For a service to be crowned the best seedbox, it can’t just be down to my personal opinion. So the review system factors in user reviews into the ranking algorithm as well. Each user review is weighed equally as the editorial review so it’s a truly democratic process. This is unique to this site as I want to truly offer impartial reviews.
Is a seedbox safe?
Seedboxes arose partly due to the need for for private torrenting. When you use bit torrent on your home computer you expose your IP address so other internet users can snoop on your p2p data sharing through bit torrent. This creates some privacy issues as well as expose to groups which may want to limit your bit torrent use. You’re free to read between the lines here
A seedbox is a service which takes over the risks and liabilities of using bit torrent and allows you to remain anonymous while torrenting and seeding on superfast internet connections 24/7. The best seedbox companies like dediseedbox, & others are set up with the primary goal of torrenting safely without recriminations.
They do this by allowing you to pay anonymously using bitcoin, they are set up in countries where there is not legal requirement to adhere to DMCA regulations and where filesharing is completely legal. So you are protected.
Do you require managed or unmanaged seedbox?
A managed seedbox is a service where all, or part of the seedbox is managed by the server, which includes (but not limited to) maintenance, setup, security, complaints. Usually, support goes part en parcel with managed seedboxes. The drawback with managed seedboxes is that some features may be restricted. Case in point, plugins may not be installable, so you can’t customise the service. Some seedboxes allow you to have a degree of customisation, and provide wikis on how to go about doing so.
Unmanaged seedboxes are a different beast. You will get an empty server to pretty much install, and configure it the way you want. You’ll be given root access which comes with responsibility; you must secure it, ensure the programs are updated and ensure software and plugin are compatible. Unmanaged seedboxes are best left alone for novice users.
The best seedbox for you depends on your goals.

Different seedboxes are configured for different ends, the best seedbox for you depends very much on your your uploading goals. Do you want to seed larger amounts of data overall over a long period of time? Or do you want to upload data in bursts?
Best all round seedbox
Dediseebox is our overall winner because it’s a workhorse and an all-rounder, their $10 has generous storage, truly unlimited bandwidth and very good speeds. There’s very little to dislike about dedi seedbox, the plex support (with full transcoding) and over 40 app choices make it a worthy winner.
It’s perfectly suited for everyday private tracker use where you want to maintain ratio with your ever-so-coveted trackers.
The unlimited bandwidth allows you to seed consistently all throughout the 30 day period. It’s a workhorse with ample storage & high speeds so you’ll have enough torrents on queue to build up a steady amount of upload credits.
Cheapest seedbox
This should be phrased as the best value seedbox or best cheap seedbox, it doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, does it? When we award the best cheap seedbox we looked at the absolute most bang for buck you get for the price you pay.
Cheap seedboxes are a dime a dozen, but do they actually provide you with a good value product & service? Most people looking for a cheap seedbox want something for $5 or less. Out of all the budget seedboxes we’ve tried around the $5 price mark, comes up trump. The traffic allowance is very good (they don’t manage traffic beyond 10TB) but you get ample storage space, decent speeds and decent RAM & CPU allocation so you can use rutorrent without hiccups.
You can read the review here. We recently tested so we’re looking for user feedback.
Why customer support is overlooked and why it's so important.
When testing a provider, we will deliberately create some problems. Usually a misconfiguration with a plugin or flood rutorrent with too many torrents for it to handle and contact customer support for assistance. We test their reaction, are the helpful? Are they willing to assist? Even if the fault is with the user?
I’ve heard of issues with some customer support being unwilling to assist, with attitudes like “you created this problem, you read up and fix it!”. Frankly this is unacceptable. It’s important for us that a seedbox offers good customer support. When you use a seedbox for a long time you will run into bugs, conflicts, it’s important to have that backup in case you need it.
I’ve had particularly good customer service from seedit4me and dediseedbox. Often their speed of responses to the support tickets is as quick as instant messaging, you get a reply back within 5 minutes of sending the message. Because they’re experienced techs on the other side, they can quickly access your box and rectify issues. Though none we deal with offered live chat (yet).
Why don't seedboxes provide backups?
Seedboxes tend to use a lot of storage on the servers, case in point on a simple $10/month plan on Dediseedbox; you’ll get a whopping 750GB disk space. For the server to provide backup it will require a lot of background resources to move large amounts of data onto storage as well as use up a lot of disk space.
Seedboxes are value-driven and have to provide the best bang for your buck. So if seedboxes were to provide backup, their costs would be a lot higher.
Besides, torrenting technology, by virtue means that you can recover all your data back as long as you have a .torrent file saved somewhere. If your downloads are critical to you, then save your .torrent files in cloud storage.
What is a shared seedbox?
Simply put a shared seedbox is a seedbox that is set up on a server which is shared by 10-20 other seedboxes. They share the same internet connection. You don’t actually share a seedbox, but the CPU/RAM & data line is shared between all the users on there.
A shared seedbox costs a fraction of the cost of a dedicated seedbox, starting at just $5 with some providers. A dedicated seedbox can cost $80 p/m plus and should only by enthusiasts and seedbox racers.
Do I need a seedbox?
Not all torrent users need a seedbox, but consider the points below:
Anti file sharing groups monitor bittorrent traffic, while some users have used software like PeerGuardian to block the snooping. It would be impossible to block out all monitoring traffic with a software as virtually anyone can buy a proxy or VPN for pennies.
If you are sharing politically sensitive material, such as warcrimes by dictatorships, you may find yourself a target of a botnet attack on your IP address if you are using your home internet connection to share files.
Additionally if you’re on a private tracker where almost everyone is uploading with a seedbox you may find it difficult to upload data and end up with a low ratio.
In this instance a seedbox is strongly advised, it may even be required. Many people run a torrent client on their desktop computer as well as a remote server.
Do I need a VPN with a seedbox?
A seedbox itself seeds and downloads torrents anonymously for you. You would not need a VPN for that purprose.
However, if you would like further anonymity, to remain anoymous from your seedbox company itself. You can use a VPN to connect to the seedbox company and pay using cryptocurrency.
I should note that seedbox providers work in a privacy centric world and would protect your identity at all costs. So you shouldn’t need an additional protection. In addtion to this most packages include a VPN service free of charge.
How much does a seedbox cost?
Seedboxes can start off as low as $5. has $5 plans for small shared seedboxes and they go up to €165 for some of their ultra high spec seedboxes with 32GB RAM, 24GB storage etc.
Most users will want to pay between $10-$15 per month for a seedbox. For that sort of money you’d get around 750GB storage and unspecified RAM & CPU (ususally just enough to get the job done). You can expect speeds of around 15-20 MB/s at that price point. Dediseedbox, and have competitive plans at that price point.
The vast majority of the users would have their needs met for $10-$15. There are some file sharing enthusiasts with memberships on numerous private trackers who would opt for a dedicated seedbox.
There is a chasm betwen shared seedboxes to dedicated seedboxes. A shared seedbox starts at $10 and then goes up to around $40 p/m in price for additional storage. usually there isn’t a lot of difference in CPU/RAM or connection speed.
The big difference between a shared seedbox and a dedicated seedbox is the line speed and bandwidth. A dedicated server has it’s own dedicated line and bandwidth and it comes at a price. A dedicated server starts at $100 p/m
Dedicated seedboxes usually aren’t great value, and at that sort of enthusiast level, you ought to rent your own server and build your own seedbox.
It’s quite difficult to get your head around the different price plans for seedboxes and what each budget seedbox gives up to achieve the desired price points. On this site we try to help you navigate these the best we can.
Calling all seedbox users!
We need users to come forward and submit their own reviews for each provider. The industry changes all the time, some providers that used to be good; oversell their servers and become pants. There are new providers in the market every year.
We need you to help us keep all our users informed so they can get the best deals and find the best providers in the market.
So if you’ve had a seedbox, whether it’s good or bad, we want to hear from you. Find the relevant seedbox page and submit your review at the bottom. If you can include a screenshot with the review, that’s even better, if you have screenshots get in touch on the form here and I can exchange emails (sorry, but I need to hide my email to stop the spam)